Last Days Ministries > LDM > Our e-letters > Year End 2013
Heritage coverMy daughter Rachel and her husband Bobby released their first Worship CD.
by Bobby and Rachel Taylor

Our Gift to You with a $30 Donation


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Sunset cropSunsets and
New Beginings


It's great to watch sunsets over palm trees here in California. It's where I was born of my mom and born again of the Spirit.

But before Sunrise of 2014 it's important to reflect back. LucySo many great things happened in 2013. I'll share personally and about LDM.

Baby Lucy is Born

This September my daughter Rebekah and her husband George had their first baby, little Lucy.

And I Love Lucy!

Here she is at 12 weeks
and 10 pounds. Just look at those bright eyes and happy smile. Yes, we are in love.

Bobby and Rachel "Gave Birth"
to their Worship CD

Rachel and Bobby already have three beautiful children, but this CD is "their baby" in 2013.  Bobby is an ordained Worship Pastor at a local church and they lead together often.

They also lead together at conferences and Worship Events. I love their hearts for Jesus.
All my children and grandchildren are heirs of their families sharing the rewards both physically and spiritually.

Your Support for LDM Ministry
Means YOU Share a Reward with LDM

I'm so grateful for your prayers and financial gifts. You've kept LDM going strong in 2013.

We all have, and are, physical heirs as we can see in our families.  It's the
same spiritually, as you know.

You've partnered with LDM, and so you share in all the fruit God gives us.
LDM Online Never Stops

LDM is like a 24/7 invisible meeting.
We'll never know how many came and what God did for them.

It's amazing how people "happen to stumble" onto LDM's website and find exactly what they need when they need it:
in an LDM article; a call to passion,
to follow Jesus, to have their baby,

often moved by a song, a teaching,
small little miracles, every day

No matter how much we hear, it's only the tip of the iceberg as percentages go. Most never write.

Only God knows so He gets the glory. And we get to serve Him with you, so thank you for being part of serving Him with us.

A Special Gift to You

  The Taylors with Jaxon, Nyah Rose, and Asher

Taylors-2LDM needs a financial boost to lauch into 2014 with strength. Especially with my Hollywood office added to our Kansas City office.

As a special thank-you to those who can give $30 or more, my daughter Rachel and her husband Bobby, along with LDM, want to send you a free copy of "Heritage", their debut worship EP.

Your year-end gift of any size
will be deeply appreciated.

Click the donate button above to give on LDM’s Secure Site, to use your PayPal, or to find our mailing address.

Thank You! 

Our Gift To You
When You Donate $30 Or More!

Heritage coverHERITAGE
Bobby and Rachel Taylor

1. Magnify the Lord
2. Rushing Wind
3. This Is What Love Is
4. You Are the One
5. Why This Way

click here to preview songs

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The Rewards You Share With LDM:

Testimonies of Lives Changed, the Gospel Preached in

Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit!  YOU REACHED OUT and loved me into a NEW life in Jesuha!  Now I'm alive in Christ, and that is forever!


My wife and I don't feel so alien, strange, and "crazy" when we hear more about Keith and Melody's story.  It's a honor to have come across the LDM website!

Me, my wife, and kids are in
missions in Guadalajara from Keith's article,  "Why You Should Go To The Mission Field." My first prayer partner here, I met 7 years ago, said, "You know Keith Green's messages challenged me to get involved in missions too..."  I was amazed we had a common influence by God's grace. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MINISTRY!!!!

I was straying from God and it seemed my wife and I may part ways.  One of the lines from “Make My Life a Prayer to You” forced me to take a hard look at my walk, "Oh it's so hard to see, when my eyes are on me."  My marriage was failing because I was serving myself rather than my wife.  We are doing much better.  Thank you for writing that song. 

Your newsletter and excerpt from David Wilkerson was right on time. At a time when I needed it most.


I've returned to my First Love, and I thank the Lord for your steadfastness. And for the LDM Site... GOD STILL USES YOU AND KEITH!!!

The fire has again been ignited to share the Word with non-believers. Last night God gave me the opportunity pray with a neighbor and lead him to the Lord ... he is Jewish!


Your ministry has helped me a lot over the last few years to strengthen my faith and get right with God during a tough time.  


I googled "spiritual burnout" and Malcolm Smith's article, on the LDM Site, appeared.  What a gift from God!  It spoke so much to me.


I am 20 and from Switzerland. I started reading the book about Keith Green. And I came to a Point when I was so desperate. I cried to God and asked him to Change Me.  And He did. I never felt like this. I AM FREE. The Lord has forgiven me. Thank you for your ministry. May God give you everything you Need.

Jesus is so good!


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HourglassIf you'd like to write to us please use the "contact us" section on the LDM site. Please don't hit "reply" to this email – it goes to an unmonitored email box and we won't be able to respond to you. Thanks!
Last Days Ministries | PO Box 40 | Lindale, TX  75771